Archive for November, 2007

November 30, 2007

Chasing my Tail….

ever feel like a pupper, chasing your tail, never realizing that you are simply running in circles, accomplishing nothing? that is how I am feeling……but I *am* accomplishing some stuff 🙂 I am busy playing catch up, getting all unfishing projects FINISHED by the end of the year.

and here is one of those projects…..the coolest puppers ever! (shhhhhh, don;t tell my pups I said that!)
I posted some of these guys a while ago….I can;t get enough of them! They are just sooooo beautiful to look at….and my goodness they are like big goofy clowns! When I am around these two, I realize how silly I was for all the years I was scared of their breed.



November 27, 2007

awwww! lookit the kitties!

*sigh* I want a kittie so bad! Unfortunately….hubby says i have a better chance of seeing him get a period. did I mention *sigh*? So instead…I am forced to harass poor little street kitties.




November 25, 2007

Worst Blogger EVER!

that’s me. the worst blogger ever! I have been neglectful of this poor little blog of mine…and I feel guilty! life has been getting the best of me…and then, just as an added bonus, I became plagued with two weeks’ worth of migraines 🙂 lovely, yeah?

BUT, I am back! I have been a busy bee! There are changes it the air, and lots of inspiration filling me up! I will be utilizing the rest of my time off (the rest of this year) to get these changes rolling, and the start of the new year will be bringing lots of new stuff to Kulik Photography!

In the meantime……..I went a-wandering 🙂 Surprisingly, these pics *sorta* have something to do with some of the upcoming changes….but you have to wait! (at least until my next post!). So off to Arcadia me, hubby, and hubby’s granma went. And into the bestest shop ever! I love antique shops. not so much the frilly, kinda creepy antiques, but the ones that you are not scared to touch! The ones that have really neat old run down chairs (photographers, you *know* what I am talking about with those chairs!!!). the ones that have the old school desks. and old cooking utensils. and everything in between! And that is exactly what this place had- everything!!!! and the best part? way back in the day, it used to be an old vaudville theatre!

ummmm, you better believe the camera came out!!!!!


November 22, 2007


as one of my most favorite little ones would say- this is yummy in my hunny pot. mmmmmmmmm.
this, my friends, is Ice Cream Pumpkin Pie. Yes, that is right- ICE CREAM. mmmmmmmm. Made at my most favorite ice cream place ever, Cubby’s. yeah, ummmm, did I mention mmmmmmmmm?


Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!! I hope your day was filled with family and friends, love, warmth, and lots of yummies in your hunny pot!

November 18, 2007


yup, I have been MIA, and I will explain, I promise I will. But not tonight!!!! Sorry!

What I wanted to share with you is a little thing I am doing for hubby’s granma…..I am excited, as this is a place I can share it without her seeing…..because though she *knows* I am playing with her pictures, she is not very tech saavy, and I don;t think she realizes just how amazing her photos are going to look once I am through!!!!!

So….long story short, I am a bit of a photo snob. I love being a photographer,,,,but it has also made my standards VERY high. So I sometimes have a hard time with looking at photos that people have taken….I see what they could be, instead of what they are. SO….granma had a kick ass trip to Italy. A once in a lifetime trip…..and she took lots of pics. *sigh* I see them, and see what they could be…..and want to play!!!! SO, I got my hands on the disc tonight!!!!!! WoooooooHooooo! I think granma has NO idea just how beautiful these are turning out!

I want her to have kick ass photos to go with her kick ass memories…



November 12, 2007



November 10, 2007

My Babies….

okay, so some people have children…..and then there are those other people. those people that have fur babies. I am one of them!!!! I love these guys so much…and am just going to be so lost not having them with me all the time. They may drive me nuts at times….but my goodness, these fuzzy butts crack me up all the time! they are just the silliest boogers ever!


November 9, 2007



ever wonder why any pics of me that I post seem to be missing my chin? That, my friends, would be because my arms are SHORT. Have you ever tried taking a self portrait with short arms? It is not easy!

So here is the thing, I hate the camera. hate it. cringe at the thought of being in front of it. heebie jeebies people! I absolutely do not like it….and tend to avoid it at all costs. Bad photographer! How am I supposed to make you feel comfortable in front of the camera, if I won’t do it for myself?! So this is part of my project while I am getting life and all it’s mysteries figured out. Self portraits. *sigh* see that look of fear in my eyes? yeah….*sigh* I do not like being in front of the camera.

November 9, 2007


ooooh, I love opening up the mailbox to goodies! LOVE IT!

      if you are anywhere near as nosy as I am, you clearly could care less about the actual package…you want to see the goods inside!
     two things I have been wanting for a bit, and now I have 🙂 the book- so I can be a better photographer (I hope I never stop striving to get better!) this book is supposed to be awesome in regards to learning to work with skin tones. And the cd. oh, sweet cd. I have wanted this damn thing for sooooo long! I watched a show on VH1 a while back called "I Trust You To Kill Me", a documentary that follows keifer sutherland and the band Rocco Deluca and the Burden. Well dammit, this band freaking ROCKS. They sound like nothing else that is out there right now. This man has a voice that is insane. it is eeire and sharp and right to the bones. LOVE THIS BAND. 🙂 I went on the hunt. Target. nope. Circut City. nope. KMart even. nope. No, I did not look in WalMart. Why? you may ask. because I am one of those people that considers that place an evil entity and WILL NOT go there. especially for music. don’t even get me started on what that place does to music. ANYWHO………I could not find this cd for the life of me! So I finally broke down and ordered it from the seriously most coolest store ever  Newbury Comics. Wanna know what their tag line is? For a wicked good time. Sigh. I love it! 

November 8, 2007

Help a Girl Out?

Alright…this is a call for help : )
As some of you know, and others who may not, I am taking no new sessions until the start of the new year. Due to this crazy thing called life pulling a fast one on me, I have decided to take some time off and get refocused. So here I sit- with no sessions and, therefore, nothing to play show and tell with! darnit!

So while taking time off to refocus my life…I still want a camera in my hands, dammit!!!! And that is where my plea for help comes in 🙂 See that little thing at the bottom of this post that says comments? if you click on that, you can leave me…..comments! So here I am, asking for your help…..what would you like to see me take a photo of? Help me get re-inspired! Challenge me, Inspire me, Make this an interactive blog people! Let’s hear what kind of shots you would like to see me take, and I will try to meet the challenge (within reason, of course :p!!!)

So fill up the comment box, please!