Archive for May, 2010

May 28, 2010

Project 349; 5.28.10 | cupcake

App: hipstamatic
Effect: Jimmy, Ina’s 1969, standard flash

My dogs don’t play with rubber sqeaky toys, and the pugcake doesn’t play with *any* toys. But when I saw this one I was forced to buy it for her- what with one of her nicknames being pugcake, it was an absolute necessity ๐Ÿ™‚

Project 349; 5.28.10 | cupcake

May 28, 2010


It’s Friday. That should mean we are ready for our weekly dose of Friday 5, but I don’t feel like 5’in it today. I blame it on this wretched cold that I cannot get rid of. That has been lingering for the past 2.5 weeks. That is making the people over at Puffs wonder why there sales have increased so much in SW Florida.ย That is making me want to sell my lungs on the black market for a very cheap price. I digress…

So let’s just get a little random. A few random little facts about me…

* I still sleep with a woobie of sorts. Yup. I said it. I MUST sleep with something bundled up and tucked under my arm. It doesn’t matter what it is, so long as it is bundle-able and tuck-able. Currently, it is a legit woobie ๐Ÿ™‚ A baby quilt that my Bucki (aka grandmother) made for me when I was a baby. When I travel, it is as basic as a bundled up shirt. Weird, but oh so true.

* Sometimes, I talk in doubles. Especially if I am baby-talking a dog, everything I say, I say it twice. If I allow myself to spend too much time on WebMD I will convince myself that there is something freakishly wrong with my brain and this is just the first sign. Instead I tell myself that it is just an incredibly annoying habit. An incredibly annoying habit.

* I never paint my nails because the moment they dry, I am itching to peel the paint off.

* Growing up, I had an insanely difficult time saying the word bridge. Whenever I type the word out, I get slight anxiety. I hate the word bridge!

* I don’t know the names of many songs. Yup. It’s true. My favorite band in the whole wide world? The band I am freakishly obsessed with? I would SO lose a name-that-song contest. I identify songs by something along the lines of this statement…you know, that song where they sing about that thing?

Ok, that’s all I’ve got. Must go inflate the lungs…..ย 

May 21, 2010

Isn’t It Strange….

Isn’t it strange
How we move our lives for another day
Like skipping a beatย 

What if a great wave should
wash us all away
Just thinking out loud
Don’t mean to dwell on this dying thing
But looking at blood
It’s alive right now
Deep and sweet within
Pouring through our veins
Intoxicate moving wine to tears
Drinking it deep
Then an evening spent dancing
It’s you and me
This love will open our world
From the dark side we can see a glow of something brightย 

There’s much more than we see here
Don’t burn the day away

Pig, Dave Matthews Band*

*What?! It’s been a while since I have forced some Dave love on you ๐Ÿ™‚

May 20, 2010

Project 349; 5.29.10 | thirst

App: shake it photo

The is the view next to my bed. I may have a problem.

*and yes, I recycle ๐Ÿ™‚

Project 349; 5.29.10 | thirst

May 17, 2010

Project 349; 5.17.10 | love

App: ps mobile
Effect: exposure, saturation

I love him lots. That’s all.

Project 349; 5.17.10 | love

May 17, 2010

Project 349; 5.17.10 | love

App: ps mobile
Effect: exposure, saturation

I love him lots. That’s all.

Project 349; 5.17.10 | love

May 16, 2010

Project 349; 5.16.10 | photos

App: ps mobile
Effect: exposure, sharpen, crop

I am finally getting the last couple of years of photos organized and up to date. YAY!!!

Project 349; 5.16.10 | photos

May 16, 2010

Project 349; 5.15.10 | progress

App: none

Taken yesterday, posted today ๐Ÿ™‚

I am finally making progress on a little sewing project I have been wanting to work on for quite some time.

Project 349; 5.15.10 | progress

May 14, 2010

Project 349; 5.14.10 | untitled

App- none

My mom bought me this pewter keychain about two years ago while we were visiting Vermont. I love everything about it, and the word FOCUS reminds me to focus on this passion of mine.

Project 349; 5.14.10 | untitled

May 14, 2010

A Letter to My Mojo

Dear Mojo,

I would like to fomally forgive you. I was not happy when you left me. It hurt me the way you left, with no note, no warning signs, just suddenly gone. I was angry with you for a long time. I felt betrayed. I thought we would be together always. I thought that what we had was special. And then you left me. While I was busy thinking that we were doing fabulous, that we couldn’t be better, you just up and left. You broke my heart. But I forgive you. I understand now that you had to go. You obviously had more important things to tend to. I get that now. And now you are back. It may take me a while to trust you again, but you are back. I am beyond thankful for that.


p.s. if you ever leave me again, I swear I will trade you in for painting or poetry or underwater basket weaving. Consider yourself warned.

I am head over heels for the shot on the left…

and a new favorite…ย